Inspiration from Template Library

The Template Library provides sample personas to kickstart your creation process:

  1. Go to the Personas tab on the Template Library page.
  2. Browse Persona templates, or search for one.
  3. When you find a relevant template, click it to view details.
  4. If you find it reasonably relevant and as a good starting point for your business requirement, click on "Open in Playground".
  5. This will take you to the Persona Playground page, pre-populated with the persona, with a default configuration.
  6. Customize the template for your specific needs, adjust configurations, all while test running it to ensure it fits your needs.
  7. One final, save your persona, and use it as you normally would across your workflows and apps.

💡Tip:The Template Library lets you build on proven templates instead of starting from scratch! Try leveraging the library as much as possible so you can get started with composing personas, with ease.